Background: CrisisLink is a non-profit 24-hour mental health and suicide-prevention hotline based in Arlington, Virginia. Their #CallTextLive social media campaign for Suicide Prevention Month has the goal of engaging the community in discussing suicide and encouraging people to get help by calling or texting a hotline.
Challenge: Create a custom campaign logo (and supporting materials) that include the PRS’ logo, the Suicide Prevention Month ribbon, and the campaign hashtag. With multiple elements and brands at play, my challenge was to determine a visual and brand hierarchy that was both unified and impactful.
Solution: Stacking the hashtag in a visually interesting way allowed it to become the primary anchor for the logo, with the brand logo and ribbon taking a backseat. After that was determined, the decision to go emphasize the Suicide Prevention Month colors seemed the most appropriate and allowed the campaign materials to stand out from PRS CrisisLink’s regular marketing efforts.